Monday, February 1, 2010

A Cup of Tea

I like those moments that make you appreciate things more. Cause you to let down your guard and just be present in the moment. I had just finished reading a chapter from “The Lightning Thief” and was busy tucking Big Brother and Sister into bed. I was crawling out of my night time hugs when a little hand grabbed my shoulder and said “here Momma, drink time.”

Little Brother rarely sits still while I am reading “chapter” books. While I read to his brother and sister, he had busied himself making tea for us. He handed me a tiny pink cup, stirred it with a measuring spoon, and just before I took a big imaginary drink, he said, “Hot, Momma, hot.” So I blew on my tiny cup of tea before guzzling it down to his delight.

About this time Big Sister chimed in with an “I don’t want to go to bed” chant. I explained, then I pleaded, and finally threatened her about this ridiculous ritual. I really wasn’t in the mood to get mad about it. What I find astounding is their ability to step into a completely serene moment and shatter it with complaints, whining or neediness. I understand that the world right now is very small to them, because it is all about them, but wow they are good at tending to their ego.

In an attempt to avoid following through with my threat, I took my cup of tea and threw it in Big Sister’s face with “tshhhhhh” added for effect. Little Brother literally fell down laughing. I then threw my never ending supply at the cat, “tshhhhhh.” Now Big Brother, “tshhhhhh,” Little Brother, “tshhhhhh,” and to top it off, a big fat cup of tea right in my face. “TSHHHH.” Mine was big enough to bowl me over and sent Little Brother to the floor rolling in laughter. What a way to end the night. We put the tea cups away, and hugged and kissed all over again. Little Brother bid his siblings “Good night” and I squeezed him and thanked him for being so great as I tucked him in to bed for the night.


I don’t think that there is anything
in this earthly place we live
that can brighten up a day
like the laughter of a kid.

You don’t really have to hear it
or see from whom it was relayed.
You simply feel it inside you
like the warmth of a sunny day.


  1. I always love the way you are able to re-direct and turn situations around. That's almost never my first response - which is why I try really hard to remember to think about what I'm going to say before I say it! :-)

  2. I can see your precious face through every minute of this and it makes my heart smile. :)
