Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Shower Moment

Knowing where to begin is the hardest thing. I am a stay at home mom. I have three beautiful children, and am frequently on my own when it comes running the household and raising our children. This scenario provides me with ample opportunity to completely loose my sanity.

I have a hard time committing to things. Mostly, I am afraid to commit to something that will require me to spend what little time I have on something I don't want to spend my time on. Selfish...maybe, but I am hoping it is more common than we want to admit.

So what does commitment have to do with a shower moment? Well, it was in the shower today that I decided what I wanted to do. After I put my little ones down for a nap, a took a few moments to read through a book my sister gave me. It's is a collection of poetry put together by Julie Andrews and her daughter and some other guy. My shower moment wasn't about the book, it was about my inability to stop rhyming. Everything that I thought of was in rhyme. It was then that I decided I was going to thwart my enemy (insanity) and write about being a Mom in rhyme. I obviously don't want to write everything in rhythm and verse, but I do want to take the moment each night to write about my life lessons (even if they are about poop.)

So, here I am. My first night. My commitment. My fear. But considering I don't really have anyone reading this, I don't really have much to loose.

Wait, stop, what, there it is
another idea fell through my sieve.
I'm chasing thoughts through a dangerous land
where nothing stands still at my command.

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